Every day starts with the same question: What to eat for breakfast? When you’re on the hunt for a good healthy breakfast, it’s easy to reach for a bagel and coffee, or oatmeal, or a couple eggs, but don’t be surprised if you find yourself hungry a couple hours later! What you really want are nutritious, healthy breakfast ideas that will keep you satisfied and well-fueled until lunchtime—and it so happens that the solution is easier than you might think.
The secret ingredient? Hummus! Packed full of vitamins, minerals, protein and other quality macronutrients, our favorite dip can power up plenty of tasty and healthy breakfast options. Additionally, the variety of creative flavors boosts creativity, since it allows for as many yummy breakfast ideas as you can dream up! Read on to learn all you need to know about hummus nutrition and easy healthy breakfast recipes.
Hummus is Nutritious!
It’s no mystery why hummus is good for you. After all, its ingredients—chickpeas, tahini, olive oil, lemon, garlic and spices—are all good for you in their own right. In fact, when put together, these ingredients provide a well-balanced spectrum of nutrients that will boost your healthy breakfast meals. What do we mean?
Just for starters, here’s a breakdown of the healthy stuff in hummus (per a 5-ounce serving, or roughly 175 calories):
- 20 grams of complex vegetable carbohydrates
- 5 grams of complete proteins
- 8.5 grams of heart-healthy (monounsaturated) fat
- Iron – 12% RDA
- Manganese – 12% RDA
- Folate/Folic Acid – 11% RDA
- Calcium – 9% RDA
But that’s not all… hummus also contains vitamin B6, vitamin C, zinc, potassium, and magnesium. This means that you can get a head start on the day with a full suite of vitamins and macronutrients! Plus, with its protein and heart-healthy fat content, hummus satisfies your appetite for hours… which is why it’s what to eat for breakfast!
Healthy Breakfast Ideas
Now for the part we’ve all been waiting for… check out some good healthy breakfast options. These recipes, taken from our Instagram page and HOPE Kitchen, are perfect for jogging your creativity. And who knows? Maybe your own favorite simple breakfast ideas will wind up being featured as well!
Coconut Curry Egg and Arugula Toast by @thecuttingveg
This delicious and filling healthy egg breakfast is a guaranteed winner—and it’s creative to boot! Sesame toast with Thai Coconut Curry hummus, topped with pickled onions, arugula, and a soft boiled egg, is accompanied by delicious cherry tomatoes. YUM!
Spicy Avocado Breakfast Tacos by @cookinglikeamrs
Want a quick healthy breakfast with a kick? This is another healthy egg breakfast that not only tastes delicious, but will keep you happy and full for hours. Spicy Avocado hummus and scrambled egg wrapped in corn tortillas, topped with cilantro, tomato, red onion, and whatever else your heart desires.
Black Garlic Breakfast Sandwich
Sandwiches are pretty traditional breakfast fare, but not when you dress them up with roasted Black Garlic hummus, heirloom tomatoes, and a fried egg! Toss a few pea shoots and other greens on the side, and you’ve got a delicious and healthy breakfast.
Vegan Breakfast Toast by @mareeatsclean
This veggie delight proves that yummy breakfast ideas can be green! Top some sprouted toast with Original Recipe hummus, avocado, spinach, tomatoes, nutritional yeast, pumpkin and flax seeds, pepper and sriracha. Full of flavor and packed with good nutrients, this quick healthy breakfast will put some pep in your step!
Okay, now we’re hungry. Bet you are too! Whether you want a healthy egg breakfast or you prefer a greener solution, hummus is what to eat for breakfast. Let us know how you like these recipes, and see how they might jog your own creative juices! Join our foodie community and let us see what healthy breakfast ideas you cook up.
Cheers and happy eating!